Indeed the core of what we are all dealing with is the attempts by satan and his followers to disenfranchise humanity from our God given purpose, i.e., to be imagers of God in this fallen world and in doing so hurt God as much as possible much in the same way as having the authorities rip out of your arms your beloved child and being taken away. Such a motive comes from the wellspring of hate in its purest most absolute form.
Hello Lara and Russel, here is the next step beyond citizen journalists. At the Action Radio Citizen Legislature we have created citizen legislators. We have the first show writing and advocating bills written by regular people to all levels of government.
When you are ready to actually change the laws to set us free, and not just report on them, please let me know. Happy to be on your shows, or y'all on my show. Let's get going!
Greg, glad to hear about your efforts to educate and inform our fellow city-zens. As i just mentioned in my comment above-I and a group of socially active denizens for Free Speech and citizen journalism had a vision over a decade ago that never achieved its full potential. In terms of "bills", we have seen very little action regarding authentic 'Campaign Finance Reform'--which I use an acronym for in order to stress the most important detail: 'NPMFPO' = No Private Money For Public Office. I've been pondering this problem for many years and believe I have a solution. However, The current G00gle-Police State, in cahoots with BlackRock pretty much controls every Govt on planet Earth. This is the grand paradox when confronting the obvious problem that is cultivated and supported via unwitting compliant serfs who play Taxpayer/consumers while supporting an Oligarchy. Two aspects of radical reform are necessary if We the People wish to participate as members of Our Govt: Repeal 'Citizens United.' And abolish the FED. Without addressing these two critical elements--we will never have a representative Govt. And you can take that to the Bank! pax...
Hello Riki Tiki Tavi. My regards to Rudyard Kipling. What we do is far more than educate and inform, we write and advocate "legislative committee hearing ready bills" that are designed to pass as written. What we need are enough people sharing our bills with Congress, the State Legislatures, and local governments, to get them passed.
We are also citizen legislators as opposed to citizen journalists. No one at the Action Radio Citizen Legislature, either on our Rumble show or our legislative site, claim to be journalists. We are advocates, lobbyists, and agents of change.
I know there is huge opposition from Soros, Black Rock, Big Pharma, Big Tech, and... Big Deep State Gov't. That's why we need so many people sharing our bills and shows. How many it will take to make the changes to bring about our freedom and prosperity no one knows. But since people haven't even gotten started yet, it won't matter until they do.
This Constitutional Amendment of ours stops Congress borrowing money, stops the printing of excess money, ends the Fed, ends inflation forever, will pay off the National Debt, and prohibits foreign control of our money. Please start sharing!
This is a financial reform bill, not specifically for campaigns, but it would stop CR's and last minute omnibus budget bills, and calls for a 30 day public comment period for most bills.
This bill changes the campaign finance laws such that only private, small contributions are listed as "free speech," but large corporate or individual contributions, where the return in favorable legislation, tax policy, or other benefit, is greater than the contribution, that shall be defined as an "investment" and therefore "commerce," and commerce can be regulated.
Citizens United was actually a great victory for free speech against the unconstitutional McCain Feingold Act, so I disagree there. But the Fed we've dealt with above.
So my question is the same question Sean Connery asked in "The Untouchables." "And now what are you prepared to do?" Thank you for your comment!
Thanks for the reply, Greg--I will be sharing these bills. The trouble with Citizens United that I perceive to be the sticky wicket has to do with the distinction that a "corporation" has the same rights as an "individual/citizen." I recently read an excellent treatise on why "corporations" are an unconstitutional entity.(and I'll have to get back to you-because I need to locate the treatise-- buried among many terrabytes of files.) The simplest way of putting it has to do with the fact that a Globalist enterprise (such as BlackRock, or Soros org) can buy our governments--and this is especially true at the local state level(as we have seen with Obamala, Inc.) If we simply designate any corporation as a business 'without voting rights' we are quickly cutting off the source of "dark money"(and BANK) which has been funding corrupt regimes for centuries. If we could create a method to ensure that elections were 'for-of-by the People'--we might eventually stop the parasitic infiltration of the global cabal. I have researched and studied the realm of Bankster dominance for the last 20 years, and I am on the same page with Dr Joseph Farrell. We are dealing with Babylonian Black Magick. If we avoid the BANK topic, or pretend it is not a "political factor of merit", I believe we are still compliant with the Old World Order, which has never been on the side of the 99%. Pax...your friendly neighborhood Serf....(and Cobra killer)
I think that's a complete misinterpretation of Citizens United by Leftists who want their unions to have more power, money and influence than conservative corporations. As long as the rules are the same for everyone, then whether a union, corporation, group or individual, it shouldn't matter.
Corporations aren't mentioned in the Constitution as far as I know. Especially since the Constitution spells out the rules for government, not private entities. The Bill of Rights are absolute prohibitions on where the government can't go. So just from memory, Congress can regulate interstate commerce, but they can't stop it, manipulate it or socially engineer it. And Congress can prescribe uniform rules for bankruptcy. But that's all the corporate references I can think of.
Why should corporations have political restrictions, but unions do not? That goes against the 14th Amendment equal protection clause.
So, what other bills might you be interested in advocating? Anything else I can help you with?
That was great. Technology is, and always will be a double edged sword. The inception of internet and the speed of information is the ONLY reason Trump was successfully chosen for president. If not for the social media platforms, the lamestream media would have dominated the information. Lamestream media is finally getting CRUSHED by this new medium. As Laura clearly stated, our new battle is with the algorithms programmed by leftist assholes. TruthSocial, X, GETTR, and possibly this platform, the jury is still out, are the GREATEST WEAPONS against the information whores, LAMESTREAM MEDIA!
Thanks again Lara! Aproximately 15 years ago or so, I and a group of I-dealists conspired to create a non-profit org. in order to promote and teach citizen journalism in the community. We succeeded in obtaining non-profit status (only took 14 months). 'United Community Access Media' (UCAM) lasted almost two years, and yet--due to our inability to cultivate an active-dedicated board the non-profit status was lost (we hadn't raised any substantial capital.) Losing the 501(c)3 status was a tough hit, and the effort fizzled out. I have not stopped writing (or video-editing and some doc prod.)and reporting on the state of our world. It's a difficult challenge to play the games of promotion(self-promotion) and also create a revenue stream in order to pay the rent as a reporter/philosopher-writer. And yet-We the People-taxpayers are subsidizing NPR--which is no better than the rest of the Legacy Media darlings. Thank you for your efforts, I truly appreciate your observations and analysis. [] []
Indeed the core of what we are all dealing with is the attempts by satan and his followers to disenfranchise humanity from our God given purpose, i.e., to be imagers of God in this fallen world and in doing so hurt God as much as possible much in the same way as having the authorities rip out of your arms your beloved child and being taken away. Such a motive comes from the wellspring of hate in its purest most absolute form.
it would seem so. all about de humanizing& de sencertizing us. with endless wars. this not new
But it is more awareness to All. Keep your eyes and heart open to God.
Hello Lara and Russel, here is the next step beyond citizen journalists. At the Action Radio Citizen Legislature we have created citizen legislators. We have the first show writing and advocating bills written by regular people to all levels of government.
Here is where we write and advocate our bills:
Here is where we talk about everything:
When you are ready to actually change the laws to set us free, and not just report on them, please let me know. Happy to be on your shows, or y'all on my show. Let's get going!
Greg Penglis
Creator, Host and CEO
Action Radio Citizen Legislature
Greg, glad to hear about your efforts to educate and inform our fellow city-zens. As i just mentioned in my comment above-I and a group of socially active denizens for Free Speech and citizen journalism had a vision over a decade ago that never achieved its full potential. In terms of "bills", we have seen very little action regarding authentic 'Campaign Finance Reform'--which I use an acronym for in order to stress the most important detail: 'NPMFPO' = No Private Money For Public Office. I've been pondering this problem for many years and believe I have a solution. However, The current G00gle-Police State, in cahoots with BlackRock pretty much controls every Govt on planet Earth. This is the grand paradox when confronting the obvious problem that is cultivated and supported via unwitting compliant serfs who play Taxpayer/consumers while supporting an Oligarchy. Two aspects of radical reform are necessary if We the People wish to participate as members of Our Govt: Repeal 'Citizens United.' And abolish the FED. Without addressing these two critical elements--we will never have a representative Govt. And you can take that to the Bank! pax...
Hello Riki Tiki Tavi. My regards to Rudyard Kipling. What we do is far more than educate and inform, we write and advocate "legislative committee hearing ready bills" that are designed to pass as written. What we need are enough people sharing our bills with Congress, the State Legislatures, and local governments, to get them passed.
We are also citizen legislators as opposed to citizen journalists. No one at the Action Radio Citizen Legislature, either on our Rumble show or our legislative site, claim to be journalists. We are advocates, lobbyists, and agents of change.
I know there is huge opposition from Soros, Black Rock, Big Pharma, Big Tech, and... Big Deep State Gov't. That's why we need so many people sharing our bills and shows. How many it will take to make the changes to bring about our freedom and prosperity no one knows. But since people haven't even gotten started yet, it won't matter until they do.
This Constitutional Amendment of ours stops Congress borrowing money, stops the printing of excess money, ends the Fed, ends inflation forever, will pay off the National Debt, and prohibits foreign control of our money. Please start sharing!
This is a financial reform bill, not specifically for campaigns, but it would stop CR's and last minute omnibus budget bills, and calls for a 30 day public comment period for most bills.
This bill changes the campaign finance laws such that only private, small contributions are listed as "free speech," but large corporate or individual contributions, where the return in favorable legislation, tax policy, or other benefit, is greater than the contribution, that shall be defined as an "investment" and therefore "commerce," and commerce can be regulated.
Citizens United was actually a great victory for free speech against the unconstitutional McCain Feingold Act, so I disagree there. But the Fed we've dealt with above.
So my question is the same question Sean Connery asked in "The Untouchables." "And now what are you prepared to do?" Thank you for your comment!
Greg Penglis
Action Radio Citizen Legislature
Thanks for the reply, Greg--I will be sharing these bills. The trouble with Citizens United that I perceive to be the sticky wicket has to do with the distinction that a "corporation" has the same rights as an "individual/citizen." I recently read an excellent treatise on why "corporations" are an unconstitutional entity.(and I'll have to get back to you-because I need to locate the treatise-- buried among many terrabytes of files.) The simplest way of putting it has to do with the fact that a Globalist enterprise (such as BlackRock, or Soros org) can buy our governments--and this is especially true at the local state level(as we have seen with Obamala, Inc.) If we simply designate any corporation as a business 'without voting rights' we are quickly cutting off the source of "dark money"(and BANK) which has been funding corrupt regimes for centuries. If we could create a method to ensure that elections were 'for-of-by the People'--we might eventually stop the parasitic infiltration of the global cabal. I have researched and studied the realm of Bankster dominance for the last 20 years, and I am on the same page with Dr Joseph Farrell. We are dealing with Babylonian Black Magick. If we avoid the BANK topic, or pretend it is not a "political factor of merit", I believe we are still compliant with the Old World Order, which has never been on the side of the 99%. Pax...your friendly neighborhood Serf....(and Cobra killer)
I think that's a complete misinterpretation of Citizens United by Leftists who want their unions to have more power, money and influence than conservative corporations. As long as the rules are the same for everyone, then whether a union, corporation, group or individual, it shouldn't matter.
Corporations aren't mentioned in the Constitution as far as I know. Especially since the Constitution spells out the rules for government, not private entities. The Bill of Rights are absolute prohibitions on where the government can't go. So just from memory, Congress can regulate interstate commerce, but they can't stop it, manipulate it or socially engineer it. And Congress can prescribe uniform rules for bankruptcy. But that's all the corporate references I can think of.
Why should corporations have political restrictions, but unions do not? That goes against the 14th Amendment equal protection clause.
So, what other bills might you be interested in advocating? Anything else I can help you with?
That was great. Technology is, and always will be a double edged sword. The inception of internet and the speed of information is the ONLY reason Trump was successfully chosen for president. If not for the social media platforms, the lamestream media would have dominated the information. Lamestream media is finally getting CRUSHED by this new medium. As Laura clearly stated, our new battle is with the algorithms programmed by leftist assholes. TruthSocial, X, GETTR, and possibly this platform, the jury is still out, are the GREATEST WEAPONS against the information whores, LAMESTREAM MEDIA!
Powerful ❤️
Thanks again Lara! Aproximately 15 years ago or so, I and a group of I-dealists conspired to create a non-profit org. in order to promote and teach citizen journalism in the community. We succeeded in obtaining non-profit status (only took 14 months). 'United Community Access Media' (UCAM) lasted almost two years, and yet--due to our inability to cultivate an active-dedicated board the non-profit status was lost (we hadn't raised any substantial capital.) Losing the 501(c)3 status was a tough hit, and the effort fizzled out. I have not stopped writing (or video-editing and some doc prod.)and reporting on the state of our world. It's a difficult challenge to play the games of promotion(self-promotion) and also create a revenue stream in order to pay the rent as a reporter/philosopher-writer. And yet-We the People-taxpayers are subsidizing NPR--which is no better than the rest of the Legacy Media darlings. Thank you for your efforts, I truly appreciate your observations and analysis. [] []
satanic. yes
Maye Musk is Satan
Fuck Musk
We pray for you Russell